In Clark County, Nevada, there is a constant battle between cars executing a lawful U-turn on a green light or green left turn arrow, and cars attempting to turn right on red. Usually in such circumstances both drivers end up yelling at the other to learn the law.
So who DOES have the right of way?
Pursuant to NRS 484B.403, a driver may make a U-turn in an intersection so long as it is not prohibited by the signage or other statute.
NRS 484B.307 allows right turns on red, but only after stopping and yielding “to pedestrians and other traffic proceeding as directed by the signal at the intersection.”
Since traffic making a lawful U-turn would be included in “other traffic proceeding as directed,” the car making the lawful U-turn has the right of way, and the driver intending to turn right on red must yield.
Nonetheless, all drivers have a duty to drive cautiously, and attempt to avoid accidents.
However, if you have been hurt in an accident, please call us at 702.888.0000 for a free consultations with an attorney.